Place meaning pada Ruang Publik Siring Piere Tendean Banjarmasin

Ria Novita Rahimi


One of the urban society’s need is needs of public spaces. Public space is defined as a physical and visible place that contained within a city for social gathering. Siring Piere Tendean is one of the public spaces in Banjarmasin that is located in the middle of the city. Siring Piere Tendean has various meeanings and functions for the society in Banjarmasin itself. Place meaning is a representative of a typical whole of a person, environment and experiences within a place. Based on this background, the research raised about how is the place meaning in public space of Siring Piere Tendean. Qualitative method is used in this research with non participant observation and semi structured interview as its assesments. There are 3 subjects for this research with different sex and social background. The result is, for each subject there are important experiences toward the public space of Siring Piere Tendean and the place meaning of this place can be categorized into four themes: social, activity, recreation and refreshing. Factors related with experiencs, the biophysical setting of the environment and physical change in landscape contributed to someone’s place meaning within a place.

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