Bioakumulasi logam berat timbal (PB) pada organ hati dan ginjal ikan timpakul (Periopthalmodon schlosseri) di perairan Desa Kuala Lupak Kalimantan Selatan

Waliya Mu’jijah, Krisdianto Krisdianto, Heri Budi Santoso, Hidayaturrahmah Hidayaturrahmah, Badruzsaufari Badruzsaufari


The Barito River is the longest and largest river in South Kalimantan which empties into the Java Sea and one of its estuary is located in the village of Kuala Lupak. Estuaries are usually the end place of waste disposal that can give a negative impact to the environment. One of the waste that pollutes the environment is the heavy metals lead (Pb). The purpose of this research is to analyze the concentration of heavy metals in the liver and kidney organ of timpakul (Periophthalmodon schlosseri) fish, whether it is on the verge of standard quality based on the places i.e. river and mangrove. Methods undertaken is laboratory analysis with analytical Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) using 18 test samples taken from the river and mangrove. The results obtained based on content (average ± standard deviation) Metal Pb in the liver of timpakul fish (Periophthalmodon schlosseri) is concentrated in the range of 0,0012±0,0005-0,0037±0,0032mg/kg with an average 0,0022±0,0014mg/kg and on the kidneys is 0,0168±0,0381±0,0034-0,0065mg/kg with an average of 0,0285±0,0072mg/kg. While the mangrove the Pb results concentration in the liver is 0.0003±0.0007-0,0026±0,0016mg/kg with an average of 0,0019±0,0008mg/kg and in the kidney is 0,0176±0,0084-0,0377±0,0044mg/kg with an average of 0,0275±0,0046mg/kg. Based on the experiments, the results showed that the heavy metal content in timpakul fish is harmless according to the National Standardization Agency 7387.2009 SNI about maximum limits for heavy metal impurities i.e. a maximum of 0.3 mg/kg.

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