Karakteristik strategi bertahan dan dinamika Kelompok Tani Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan (SHK) Lestari Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya War Abdurrahman-Hurun, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung
The community-based forest system (SHK) Lestari was initiated under the background of a conflict contrary to the government's regulation in terms of land management permission for the area which was originally ‘protected’ to ‘conserved’ forest. SHK Lestari is a group of farmers residing in the area of Grand Forest Park of War Abdurrahman-Hurun (WAH), Teluk Pandan Sub-district, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. Considering the indifference from the government’s law, they can survive and live their daily activities. The objectives of this article were: (1) to describe the characteristics and dynamics of SHK Lestari group in WAR forest area, Pesawaran, Lampung Province; and (2) to describe the strategy of persisting SHK Lestari farmers group in managing the arable land in the area of register 19 (Hurun village, Teluk Pandan sub-district, Pesawaran district, Lampung province). The results of the research show that SHK Lestari farmer group is supposed to be categorized as independent group under its strong group dynamics and purposeful with clear objectives. The group needs to maintain their strengths, such as: promoting competent farmers; maximizing NGO assistance (partnership); managing the land ownership certificate; fostering independent empowerment; maximizing the KUB performance; facilitating water management group, computer school, internet and library; and increasing the HR of the professional managers (organization, POC, and financial records). This group concentrates more on its potential to be more independent and sustainable, so that it can maintain its existence in managing the farming business in the forest park area of WAR, Pesawaran, Lampung Province.
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