Kajian struktur populasi tumbuhan kilalayu (Erioglossum rubiginosum) di Kawasan Hutan Pantai Tabanio, Kabupaten Tanah Laut sebagai materi handout penunjang mata kuliah Ekologi Tumbuhan
Population structure is defined as an age stratification structure of a population. Kilalayu plants include the sapindaceae family, these plants have characteristics with compound flowers collected from the panicles at the end. Study of population structure is very important to analyze the status and existence of a population, so that efforts to overcome population damage can be avoided. Kilalayu (Erioglossum rubiginosum) plants in the Tabanio coastal forest area of Tanah Laut Regency can be used as learning resources. Because of the potential of Kilalayu plant as a learning resource, handout teaching materials are made about the Kilalayu plant population structure that is locally based as a supporting material for Plant Ecology. Research objectives: 1) Describe the population structure of Kilalayu (Erioglossum rubiginosum) in the coastal forest of Tabanio. 2) Produce valid handout teaching materials for Kilalayu population structure as supporting material for Plant Ecology. This type of R & D and descriptive research is used to describe the population structure of Kilalayu and teaching materials developed from this research. Kilalayu population structure in the Tabanio coastal forest has a pyramid with a disturbed polygon shape. Kilalayu plants in the Tabanio coastal forest area (90 ha) can be declared uncritical. Handout teaching materials developed are stated by the validator to be very valid with a validity score of 91% and for readability testing to get a score of 87%.
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