Kerapatan karuang janggut (Alophoixus bres) di Kawasan Hutan Pantai Tabanio, Kabupaten Tanah Laut sebagai bahan handout pengayaan mata kuliah Ekologi Hewan
Population Density is the size of the population that is related to the unit of space / area under study & declared to be individual counts per unit area or volume or weight of the environment medium occupied. Population density is calculated in the number of individuals if the individual sizes are relatively the same. The purpose of this study is to describe the density of Karuang Janggut (Alophoixus bres) in the Tabanio Beach Forest, which then produces teaching materials in the form of decent handouts based on their validity. This type of research uses two types of research, namely descriptive research using IPA-Count techniques and development research using development steps including 1) Analyzing Needs, 2) Planning, 3) Designing Initial Products, 4) Validating Design and 5) Improving Design . The results of the descriptive study showed that the population density of Karuang Janggut was 8.37 tails / Ha. Handout teaching material developed is the density of the Karuang Janggut population in the Tabanio Beach Forest Kab.Tanah Laut and produce materials in the form of handouts as supporting material for Animal Ecology are declared very valid with a validity score of 90.65% and a readability test score of students with very good criteria of 90%
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