Meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa Kelas X MIPA 4 SMAN 4 Banjarmasin pada konsep Archaebacteria dan Eubacteria melalui model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing

Putri Pratami Rahmiati, Kaspul Kaspul


Archaebacteria and Eubacteria are one of the concepts taught in class X MIPA SMAN 4 Banjarmasin. This concept is considered difficult because there are many scientific terms that have an impact on student learning outcomes. Students who can reach the KKM are only 50% of all students in the class. The activeness of students in the learning process is still lacking because around 25% of students are still less active in terms of doing assignments and passively during group discussions. This research is a classroom action research that aims to increase student activity and learning outcomes through the guided inquiry learning model. This study also describes how the responses of students of class X MIPA 4 SMAN 4 Banjarmasin in the academic year 2017/2018 through the Guided Inquiry learning model on the concept of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. The results showed that student activity increased from the sufficient category in the first cycle to be a very good category in cycle II. Classical completeness of students' cognitive learning outcomes increased from cycle I by 59.45% to 86% in cycle II. Affective learning behavioral characteristics in the first cycle with enough categories increased to very good categories and social skills increased from cycle I with less categories to good categories in cycle II. Psychomotor learning outcomes in the first cycle only amounted to 59.70 with very less categories increased to 83 with a good category in cycle II. This study received a positive response from students of class X MIPA 4 SMAN 4 Banjarmasin which was marked by high students' interest in learning by applying the Guided Inquiry learning model.

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