Leila Ariyani Sofia, Muhammad Adnan Zain, Nurida Septianingrum


Rindu Alam Beach is one area that offers a variety of tourist attractions such as panoramic beaches, rows of coastal pine trees and a number of other types of vegetation. Since its establishment in 2003 this tourist attraction has been equipped with various facilities but is still minimal in extracting natural potential. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential visit and the potential of natural tourism at Rindu Alam Beach in the context of developing an ecotourism area. The study was conducted at Rindu Alam Beach, Betung Village in October 2018 to June 2019 using primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected by interviews, observation and documentation of 10 traders and community respondents using purposive sampling.Secondary data is in the form of reports on tourism development in Tanah Bumbu, Mappanretasi books, and Betung village profiles. Data analysis using descriptive quantitative. The results obtained that the potential of visits came from Tanah Bumbu, outside Tanah Bumbu, and outside South Kalimantan with the characteristics of respondents in the form of (age, sex, age, type of work, type of transportation, and source of information obtained by visitors), it is known that the sex that dominates for visiting is male, but in percentage terms the need for tourism for both men and women is almost the same. The age that dominates for visiting is at the age of 15-54 years. The type of work that dominates for visiting is students. The type of transportation that dominates used is the type of 2-wheeled transportation. The dominating source of information to get information is from family / friends. Meanwhile, natural potential in the form of coastal waters and sand is quite clean, coastal pine trees along the coast, as well as other coastal vegetation (such as grass, sea waru, coconut trees, ketapang trees, palm trees and other plant species). In addition, fishing in this waters also found fishing activities by fishermen around with the catch in the form of mackerel, tuna, sardines, snapper and skipjack.

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