Studi kebutuhan akan air tanah dangkal di Kecamatan Banjarbaru Utara, Kota Banjarbaru

Holdani Kurdi, Ulfa Fitriati


Water has a very important role for human life. Water is  a primary human need. In the past, water needs can be easily met from shallow groundwater sources, because it is thrifty and practical. The problem is in line with the development and the high population growth, soil water balance starts to be disrupted and the quality decreases. The study aims to see how big the use of shallow groundwater in the District of North Banjarbaru and then analyze it to determine the quality of the water. This research was conducted by direct observation in the field conducted by observation and distributing questionnaires.  The results of this study found that the average shallow groundwater needs in North Banjarbaru District amounted to 320 liters/person/day. While the annual requirement of 3.257.651,16 m3/year. Water quality is almost eligible for water that can be used as raw water for drinking water. For pH values that do not meet the requirements of about 30,435%.

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