Studi tipologi ruang-bantaran Sungai di Kota Banjarmasin

Bani Noor Muchamad


This research has a purpose to get the typology, which is similarity and diversity, of riverbanks in Banjarmasin City as well as concept and design of arrangement. Banjarmasin as one of the cities that grows from the settlements on the riverbanks has responsibility to continue and to conserve existence of the river. Aside from being the economic pulse and the main route of transportation, the river has become one of the city's forming faces and orientation of urban development in the future. In the development vision of Banjarmasin City has also been designated Banjarmasin City as River Friendly City. It has a message that the people of Banjarmasin want to live peacefully side by side with the river. In fact, the existing of riverbanks development in Banjarmasin City now tends to cut the meaning of the river and turn the river into a "canal" or artificial channel on the left and right side of massively constructed concrete walls. In addition to eliminating the meaning of the river, the river ecosystem and community culture, the construction of concrete (call siring) also has much changed the face and morphology of the city far compared to the early days of Banjarmasin City. To know and get how the concept and design as well as problem solving arrangement of the river in the Banjarmasin City then need to be reviewed by typology studies of riverbanks. Based on the typology of riverbanks it will be able to formulate concepts and designs that can continue to keep the meaning of the river for the life of the people and the Banjarmasin City in the future.

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