Pengaruh tekanan pada pengoperasian debit rerata irigasi tetes
Apple is one of the horticultural commodities of fruits that have high economic value, in addition it also has a high nutritional value that has an important role for human welfare. In East Java in 2005 there were 7,863.247 apple trees with production of 354,267.17 tons, each tree producing an average of 20.10 kg of apples per year (Anonymous, 2006). The low average production of apples per year is due, in the dry season, apple crops can not produce well due to lack of water (Bambang Suharto and Susanawati, 2012). The application of irrigation method of dripping / trickle system which can be done in farmer scale still has not been implemented, whereas irrigation / drip irrigation system is very efficient and effective.The experimental design that used was Randomized Block Design which was arranged materially, i.e. factor pressure at 15,468.2 kg/m2 (P1), 10,546.5 kg/m2 (P2), 5,624.8 kg/m2 (P3) with operational stage I (L1), operation II (L2), operation III (L3). The combination of these levels yielded 9 treatments, each repeated three times.The results show that the operation with the different pressures make the output discharge different. The higher pressure becomes the higher output discharge. The average emitter output discharged to the operation (L2) at different high pressure was achieved at 1.768 l / h and the lowest value (L3) was 1.704 l / hr.
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