Gejala hama dan penyakit pada tanaman laban (Vitex pinnata) di lahan pascatambang batubara PT Singlurus Pratama, Kalimantan Timur
Every concessioner of borrow-to-use permit for forest area on coal mining activities has the responsibility to perform reclamation on affected area. One of the parameter assessed in evaluation of successful post mining reclamation is the healthiness of plants. The observation of plants healthiness at coal post-mining revegetation area of PT Singlurus Pratama, East Kalimantan was done at March-November 2014. This research was aimed to collect data and information about pests and diseases symptoms on Laban (Vitex pinnata) and the survival rate of the plants. Result showed that pests and diseases symptoms were stem borer, stem white spot, leaves black spot, leaves gall disease, necrotic, and mealybugs. A total of 94,4% of all plants were attacked by stem white spot disease but the plants death was mostly caused by stem borer. As an adaptive species on post-mining area, the survival rate of Vitex pinnata was recorded 97,5% from a total of 468 plants.
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