Analisis pengetahuan, sikap, dan terpaan informasi tentang perilaku kebersihan dan sanitasi pada para penjual sayur

Laily Khairiyati


The problem of lacking protein energy (PEM) as one of the main nutritional problems that occur in children. In it there is one aspect of hygiene and food sanitation. The implications of long-term malnutrition in children will experience growth barriers and increased disease in children. The fulfillment of nutrients is still very low compared to other provinces, which is 11.7% of this is because access to reach the village corners to meet the nutritional needs of children is still dependent on the mobile market that does not guarantee the quality of sanitation. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of knowledge, attitude and exposure of information with hygiene and sanitation behavior on the mobile vegetable traders. This research use cross sectional design with 30 samples of vegetable sellers in Banjar Regency taken by purposive sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Data analysis using chi square test with 95% confidence level. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between knowledge and behavior (p value = 0.044, OR = 8.33), there was correlation between attitude and behavior (p value = 0.017; OR = 0.647), and no relationship between exposure of information with behavior (p value = 0.073). Recommendations that can be given is the need for frequency and duration of continuous information delivery about hygiene and food sanitation to vegetable traders related to the fulfillment of nutrients and the quality of sanitation of the food it sells.

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