Pengembangan handout materi penunjang konsep komunitas pada Mata Kuliah Ekologi Tumbuhan berbasis hasil penelitian keanekaragaman bambu
So far, the enrichment material of community concept in course of plant ecology in Biology Education Program PMIPA FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin is still general, that is using teaching materials in the form of textbook and internet. Therefore, the need for the manufacture of materials is based on local potency. This study aims to develop of handout material supporting community concept in course of plant ecology based on research result diversity of bamboo valid. The type of research used is research and development. This research procedure includes 5 steps, namely 1) potential and problem, 2) gathering information, 3) product design, 4) design validation, and 5) design improvement. Validation test conducted by 2 lecturers obtained the average score on the content feasibility aspect of 92.64% and including criteria is very valid, the average score on the presentation aspect of 92.5% and including criteria is very valid, the average score on the language assessment of 94.23% and includes very valid criteria. Test legibility conducted by 5 students obtained a result of 91.5% and includes very good criteria. Handout made is declared very valid or very feasible to be used as community concept enrichment materials.
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