Pengembangan handout materi pengayaan konsep komunitas pada perkuliahan ekologi hewan berbasis penelitian keanekaragaman spesies kupu-kupu
The study of biodiversity materials in animal ecology in Biology Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University is good, but the need for supplementary materials about diversity based on local potential. The purpose of this research is to develop handout of community concept enrichment materials on animal ecology subject based on the research of the diversity of butterfly species in the Valid area of Rampah Manjangan waterfall Loksado. The research used is research and development. The research development procedure includes 5 steps, 1) research and data collection, 2) planning, 3) initial product development, 4) initial field test and 5) initial product revision. Product validation test is done by 2 lecturers and test of legibility conducted by 5 students. The average validator judgment on the content feasibility aspect was scored 89.71% (very valid), the assessment of the 90% (very valid) feasibility aspect and the 92.31% (very valid) language aspect assessment and the readability test by the students were very good with value of 91%.
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