Upaya pengembangan pendidikan karakter di SMP Negeri 3 Kusan Hilir melalui tripusat pendidikan

Dini Pusparini


This study aims to determine the effort of character development of education through Education Trilogy namely, school environment, family and society as a stakeholder in the effort of developing character education that is in SMPN 3 Kusan Hilir. This research is qualitative descriptive with teachers, parents, students and local community and students of SMPN 3 Kusan Hilir. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. Data were analyzed by using data reduction measures, data display and conclusions. The result of the research shows that the effort of character education development at SMPN 3 Kusan Hilir raised the value of relegius, honest, tolerance, and responsibility in the form of routine activities (teacher picket task, student picket task, and flag ceremony), spontaneous activity (advise, admonish and help incidental activities), exemplary, and conditioning (environmental hygiene). Efforts to develop lessons in the syllabus have been included in the RPP has also included character values (religious, honest, tolerance, discipline and responsibility). Character development efforts are carried out outside the school in the form of extra curricular to assess the character of responsibility. The form of teacher support is to include the value of character in the learning process, as well as the character habituation in the classroom. For family components have shown support efforts to their children by paying attention to the development of their child's character. The support of the committee and the community in this study has shown their concern for the character education of students, by supporting all the disciplinary programs of the school.

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