Kualitas kepala sekolah di lembaga pendidikan Islam Banjarmasin

Gusti M. Irhamna Husin, Nor Ainah


The headmaster is a vital element for the effectiveness of educational institutions. There will never be a good school with a bad headmaster or a bad school with a good headmaster. A good school headmaster will be dynamic to prepare various education programs. Even the high and low quality of a school will be distinguished by leadership in school. Leadership deals with the problem of the principal in increasing the opportunity to hold meetings effectively with teachers in conducive situations. The behavior of headmaster must be able to encourage the performance of teachers by showing a sense of friendship, close and full consideration of the teachers, both as individuals and as a group. Positive leader behavior can encourage groups to direct and motivate individuals to work together in order to realize the goals of Islamic education institutions. The purpose of this study was to describe and assess the quality of leadership in one of the Islamic education institutions in Banjarmasin. The school that was sampled was MAN 1 Banjarmasin. This type of research is field research and the approach in this study is a qualitative approach. In conducting data collection, the author uses the method of interviewing, documentation, observation and questionnaire using descriptive analysis to describe the data obtained by using words or sentences that are separated according to the category of research data in order to get a conclusion. The findings of this study are the headmaster in his ability to plan, organizing, actuating, communication and controlling in the Islamic Education Institution which she leads is very good. This is evidenced by the many achievements achieved by MAN 1 Banjarmasin.

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