Keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa MAN 3 Banjarmasin pada subkonsep Pteridophyta melalui pembelajaran berbasis inquiry

Husna Aqidatul Husna, Aulia Ajizah, Muhammad Zaini


Learning in MAN 3 Banjarmasin in the previous school year still uses conceptual learning especially in the Pteridophyta sub-concept. Learning activities are still centered on listening, memorizing and taking notes. Therefore there is a need for innovation in the learning process that can motivate students so they can improve students' critical thinking skills. Inquiry-based learning is the process of teaching and learning activities that involve students in investigating and finding information, learners do not only act as recipients of lessons but also are required to find the core of the subject matter being studied. This study aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in learning. The research method used to determine critical thinking skills used descriptive research. The sample of this study was class X MIA. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results of the study on the students' critical thinking skills in learning activities through the application of inquiry-based learning on aspects of problem formulation skills, formulating hypotheses are quite good, aspects of collecting data, analyzing data and making conclusions classified as good categories.

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