Jenis dan kerapatan burung kuntul (Genus Egretta) di Desa Sungai Rasau, Kabupaten Tanah Laut sebagai handout materi pengayaan mata kuliah Ekologi Hewan

Miftahul Jannah, H. Hardiansyah, Mahrudin Mahrudin


Population density is the size of large population realated to the unit space, which is generally observed and confirmed as the number of individuals or biomass per unit area, per unit content (by volume). The purpose of this research : 1) to describe species herons (Genus Egretta) In Sungai Rasau Village Tanah Laut Sub-District, 2) to describe density herons (Genus Egretta) In Sungai Rasau Village Tanah Laut Sub-District, 3) to describe validity of teaching material handout decent about species and density herons (Genus Egretta) In Sungai Rasau Village Tanah Laut Sub-District. The method used in this observation was the method descriptive research used IPA-Count techniques and method Research and Development with steps 1) Research and information collection, 2) Planning, 3) Develop preliminary from product, 4) Preliminary field testing, and 5) Main product revision. Based on the research showed that density great egrett birds (Egretta alba) 4,97 ind/ha, little egrett birds (Egretta garzetta) 8,54 ind/ha and pacific reef egrett birds (Egretta sacra) 3,44 ind/ha. Handout teaching material developed is the Species and Density of Herons (Genus Egretta) in Sungai Rasau Village Tanah Laut Sub-District which is confirmed as very valid with score 93,52% and readability test score of students 94,00% which is catagorized as very good.

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