Kerapatan populasi itik benjut (Anas gibberifrons) di Desa Sungai Rasau, Kabupaten Tanah Laut sebagai bahan handout pengayaan mata kuliah Ekologi Hewan
Biological object especially sunda teal in that region can be enriching knowledge of learners, where can be as object learning material that is handout. The purpose of this research are (1) Describe the density of sunda teal (Anas gibberfrons) population in Desa Sungai Rasau Kabupaten Tanah Laut (2) Describe the validity of handout composed about “The density of sunda teal (Anas gibberfrons) population in Desa Sungai Rasau Kabupaten Tanah Laut”. The kind of research used was research and development. Method of research used was descriptive and technique of a sample with line transect method while technique of a data used IPA-Count. The model used in this research was developed that is 3D in modification from 4D. based on result of research found the density of sunda teal found from data are 2,80 tail/Ha. The density of sunda teal including in general categories. The validity of handout composed about the density of sunda teal (Anas gibberfrons) in Desa Sungai Rasau Kabupaten Tanah Laut average of thejudgment validator to the composed learning materials are 82,29% with very valid criteria and ready to use
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