Potenstial and problems in development of the ecotourism area (Case in the Pagatan Besar Mangrove Forest, Tanah Laut Regency, Indonesia)

Mochamad Arief Soendjoto


Pagatan Besar Mangrove Forest can be utilized as an ecotourism area within the framework of Integrated Tourism Rural Areas in Tanah Laut Regency, Indonesia. This mangrove forest has not yet been fully revealed or has not been published properly and correctly, even though this is a basic requirement if this object will be an ecotourism area. This paper is a survey report containing the results of the identification of the potential and problems of the Pagatan Besar Mangrove Forest and the program and activity solutions that need to be carried out to exploit the potential and overcome the problem. Potential that can be utilized is the establishment of forests, the availability of infrastructure and facilities, the diversity of plants and animals, as well as the socio-economic and cultural benefits. The problems identified were unclear ownership or control of the additional land (lahan oloran), the people's ignorance of cleanliness and environmental health (household waste, livestock manure, especially cattle grazed in ecotourism areas), lack of knowledge and technology, especially young people to use mangrove forests and their potential as employment opportunities, as well as lack of awareness of tourists to environmental cleanliness, environmental beauty, and environmental risks (tides, animal bites). The solution to the problem that can be done is to study the strategies of other regions to deal with conflict in the additional land and develop new initiatives to overcome in accordance with the natural and cultural conditions of the local community, build self-awareness and always increase awareness of the local community for cleanliness and environmental health, open up youth insights to follow education and self-development and skills training, always remind tourists on environmental hygiene and health and personal safety, as well as encourage local governments to establish local regulations related to the use of plastic-based tools or equipment.

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