Potensi dan prospek lahan pekarangan sebagai ruang terbuka hijau dalam upaya konservasi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan

Tina Ratnawati


The homegarden is a green open space area that has a special character that is different from other green open spaces. The homegarden is a potentially green open space and has a role to support the conservation movement of natural resources and environment. In general, open spaces in urban areas consist of green open spaces and non-green open spaces. Given the importance of the role of open space (green open spaces and non-green open spaces) in the spatial arrangement of the city then the provisions on it have been regulated in Law no. 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning. Article 31. This paper explores the potential and prospect of the homegarden as a green open space in supporting the conservation movement of natural resources and environment. In general, the homegarden is a green open space that has exceptional value in supporting the urban environment. The structure, function, and benefits of the homegarden are expected to cope with urban environmental problems such as air temperature, noise, dust, and moisture in the conservation movement of natural and environmental resources. The discussion of this research is descriptive. Beginning with the observation and analysis of secondary data in the form of reports of previous studies, articles, and books related to the homegarden as green open space. With good planning, the homegarden has potential and prospect as green open space in supporting the conservation movement of natural resources and environment.

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