Tumpangsari dengan kedelai dan inokulasi dengan mikoriza arbuskular untuk meningkatkan produksi malai pada berbagai galur harapan padi gogo dan ampibi beras merah pada sistem aerobik

Wayan Wangiyana


This study aimed to examine the effect of intercropping with soybean and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in an effort to increase panicle production of various promising lines of upland and amphibious red rice, by carrying out a pot experiment in a plastic housing, from May to September 2017. The experiment was designed according to Completely Randomized Design by testing two treatment factors arranged factorially, namely cultivation techniques (T) of aerobic rice system, consisting of three treatment levels (T1= aerobic system without intercropping; T2= aerobic rice intercropped with soybean; T3= aerobic rice intercropped with soybeans and inoculated with AMF), and rice variety (V), consisting of 27 varieties or promising lines of upland and amphibious red rice together with their two parents and two national superior varieties. The results showed that intercropping those promising lines of upland and amphibious red rice in an aerobic system generally decreased tiller number and number of panicles per clump, but there was an interaction between the cultivation techniques and the varieties tested in which there were some promising lines showing no effects of cultivation techniques on the panicle number, some promising lines showing the highest panicle number on the aerobic system intercropped with soybean, and some promising lines showing the highest panicle number on aerobic system intercropped with soybeans accompanied with AMF inoculation, but most of the promising lines showing the highest panicle number on the aerobic system without intercropping. However, intercropping with soybean and/or inoculation with AMF significantly increased the percentage number of tillers capable of producing filled panicles (productive tillers).

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