Karakteristik limbah arang alaban (Vitex pubescens Vahl) dan abu batubara sebagai bahan produksi biobriket

Adi Rahmadi


This research utilizes industrial waste of alaban charcoal in Ranggang Village, Kab. Tanah Laut and waste coal from PLTU Asam-asam as research object. Some of the advantages of using biobriket are the amount of biomass potential in Indonesia which is a source of raw materials, investment cost and simple technology, source of renewable energy, causing negative environmental impacts of land, water and air relatively small, self-employed by society and business unit. The economical value of biobriket lies in the reduction factor of production cost. Data analysis performed include physical analysis according to SNI No. 1/6235/2000 and analysis of sample element composition with SEM-EDX. From the analysis it was found that the value of density of waste of alaban charcoal (0.38 gr/cm3), water content (1.53%), flying substance (51.46%), ash (0.36%), bound carbon (46.65%), and calorific value (6673.15 cal/gr). From the SEM-EDX test the fly ash produces elements of O 38.91 (Wt%) and 57.77 (At%); Mg 05.18 (Wt%) and 05.06 (At%); Al 20.01 (Wt%) and 16.92 (At%); K 01.09 (Wt%) and 01.09 (At%); Ca 08.75 (Wt%) and 05.19 (At%); Ti 00.83 (Wt%) and 00.41 (At%); and Fe 18.10 (Wt%) and 07.70 (At%). The base ash produces an element of O 39.30 (Wt%) and 57.58 (At%); Mg 02.41 (Wt%) and 02.32 (At%); Al 04.78 (Wt%) and 04.15 (At%); Si 29.84 (Wt%) and 24.90 (At%); K 00.48 (Wt%) and 00.28 (At%); Ca 05.97 (Wt%) and 03.49 (At%); Ti 00.55 (Wt%) and 00.27 (At%); and Fe 16.69 (Wt%) and 07.01 (At%). The expected benefits of this research include being a source of information on the characteristics of coal base ash and coal fly ash and waste of algae charcoal production which is considered less useful, thus increasing the added value of the waste; as well as obtaining alternative energy sources for environmentally friendly petroleum fuels.

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